Part 31: Day 23, The Deimos Peninsula, Attack (Victory)
Black Balloon posted:
Fuck it let's just go north and put an end to their ritual shit. Gregory can spearhead it. No need to prolong it.
habituallyred posted:
North to finish this. Also every time I try to install that game in the Path to Enlightenment public computers they tell me no. Something about it being, "worse than a virus for computer productivity."
AJ_Impy posted:
North. Don't want too many people getting bamboozled by their inferior but hazardous tech.

Yeah, for sure, let's put these incompetent Gue'la down.

The Chaos Heretics keep using stealth. It's annoying. They're not really hurting us or anything, but we can't kill'em unless we keep a detector unit nearby.

See the faith of my crusaders. They will cleanse you of your disbelief.

Ah, ignore'em. Push onto the portal.

Their defenses are crumbling before us.

Yes, drive back my warriors. I have many more. Many more.

Their vehicle crumple like tin before our Kroot heavy infantry.

Our fates are all written in the Warp and yours is death.

Their base is just up ahead. It looks well-defended...

Only I can hear your prayers here, my friend, and I'm afraid I will not answer them.

Do you hear a buzzing in your comms again? I hear a buzzing in my comms.

Two-pronged attack: Fire Warriors take the western entrance, Kroot auxiliaries take the eastern entrance.

Huh, that's a lot of bullets. Hold fast, Kroot!

My legion will burn your false idols to ash. Chaos cannot be denied.

Yes, come to your death, aliens! Heh. Uh, those are a lot of aliens.

Use your words, Eliphas! Like a big boy.

Uh, time to hide.

Really? Hey, where's he going?
*sigh* Shas'o, they're doing that thing again.

Toss grenades. We can't target them directly, but we can blow them away.

Hey, yeah, that works. Great!

By the books, people, send in Drone swarms.

Crud, they're sending in their little robot things and we don't have any more Demons to shut them down.


That would be a better sentiment if we had enough troops to smash them with.

Who designed this base? An idiot?

Oh, shut up!

Hey, Eliphas, your big portal thing is falling down!

Screw you, xeno!

What's that? I can't hear you!

No, no, no, nooo!

That's it, O'Kais.

Well that wasn't so hard. Where did Eliphas go? Oh! There he is. Oh, shh, shh! Everyone pull back. Looks like there's going to be some drama!

They reject the Word of Chaos, my lord. The faithful here are not strong enough--

Boo, don't put this on us!


It is a poor shepherd who blames his flock, Apostle. This failure is yours and yours alone!


Suck it down!

That's right, Eliphas, this on you, man, all on you!

Will you shut up! Why are you still here?

Hey man, we're not leaving just because you're having a moment. We blew up your space portal fair and square, we wanna see the fallout. Deal with it.
*sigh* Look, I am
not going back to the Basilica of Torments again!

They're gonna send you to the Basilica of Suck instead!

Damn, you tell'im, O'Kais!

Fear not, Apostle. The Basilica is reserved for those who may redeem themselves.


Eliphas just got told!

Sick burn, big alien fella!

Say, what's he doing?

No, NO!!!

You will have no such chance.


What are we seeing?
*huff* *huff* Hello, everyone, I got here as soon as I could! The comms have been buggy so I've had a really hard time getting through to you since you went off to approach the Chaos base. Now, I know what I'm about to ask might sound difficult, but I need you all to take this base without looking at anything. Like, just close your eyes and shoot. We're Tau, so your optics should be able to compensate for your lack of vision.

Uh, hello? Guys? What are you looking at?

Oooooh, crud. So, hey, who want's to talk about what they did and
did not see? Let's get everyone back to the Cadre HQ, nice and slowly now, we'll get you out of those stuffy battlesuits and have a nice little talk.
Oh, and liquidate every Kroot that went on this campaign.

Sorry, what was that?

Everything will be fine!

Huh, well, funny story War Council: my forces and I beat the Chaos HQ and have no memory of it! It's the strangest thing! It's almost like every Tau and Vespid that went on the mission had their memory wiped. Oh, and all that weird comm interference seemed to have wiped the memories of all the Drones we brought in. Oh, and every Kroot that joined us on that mission is now dead. An unfortunate series of circumstances, but hey. We've been fighting a long war. We were bound to lose track of some time.

Aaaanyways, we need to figure out where to go next. The Imperial Guard and Gorgutz's Ork Waaaugh! are still threats to our domination. That said, there are still remnants of Thule's Space Marines and--uh, those other Gue'la, the Chaos ones...what was the name of their leader? I just had it on the tip of my tongue, I swear--hmm, nevermind. I leave the decision of our next target up to the War Council.